Anthony Grimani is interviewed for this informative feature story in Commercial Integrator magazine.

"...integrators are encouraged to enlist a professional acoustician - just as they might work with myriad other trades on a project - to create productivity-friendly environments. Unlike a home theater, where a top-notch sound environment may only benefit the homeowners and whatever guests might occasionally experience the room, the results of a properly acoustically treated corporate office, for instance, may affect hundreds of employees on a daily basis" >Click to read the full story...

"...integrators are encouraged to enlist a professional acoustician - just as they might work with myriad other trades on a project - to create productivity-friendly environments. Unlike a home theater, where a top-notch sound environment may only benefit the homeowners and whatever guests might occasionally experience the room, the results of a properly acoustically treated corporate office, for instance, may affect hundreds of employees on a daily basis" >Click to read the full story...
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